County Counsel advised that the Commissioners needed to set the public hearing for the Petition. The hearing will be June 13, 2012, 7:00 pm at TRAC.
Here is the story. I just got the news.
Gary was on the radio this morning, saying that the fire annexation is dead. He also threatened the Fire District that the City Council may not renew its contract for ambulance service. Lots of pressure being applied.
He also reinterred his regular babble about all remaining the same should the City take over. The hosts questioned him rather toughly.
No items related to annexation on the agenda for June 4th. Just an appeal from me of a planning commission agenda item. Les, keep your eyes on them.. I hope to be there Monday.
Roger Erich Lenk
1817 N. Road 76
Pasco, Washington 99301
(509) 542-0489
Petition filed for "Donut Hole" to
become separate city
Originally printed at
By Whitney Ward May 31, 2012
PASCO -- Neighbors have taken a big step forward in the fight against annexation of the Franklin
County "donut hole." They've officially filed their petition to incorporate into their own city.
Many of the residents have long said that is a better alternative that becoming part of Pasco, simply
because they want to maintain their rural lifestyle.
And now that the paperwork is filed with the county, it means Commissioners will hold a public
hearing to get input from both sides of the issue.
Action News has learned it is already scheduled for Wednesday, June 13th. It will be held at the
TRAC in Pasco at 7:00.
If Commissioners do approve the petition, then donut hole residents would have to get about 400
signatures to put the issue on the ballot. They tell KEPR the hope is to put it to a vote sometime in
The petition says the city would tentatively be called "Riverview." It would also be considered a
'contract city,' which means it would contract out for basic services like police, fire, and garbage.
And it would have a volunteer-based board or council that would make city decisions.
Pasco city leaders have been negotiating for months to reach an annexation agreement. City
Manager Gary Crutchfield tells Action News, if the "donut hole" neighbors continue to pursue
incorporation, city council members will have to decide if they will continue with plans to annex
the land anyway.
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